🚀 Are you making one of these branding mistakes?
Vishaal S Shah Vishaal S Shah

🚀 Are you making one of these branding mistakes?

🚀 Are you making one of these branding mistakes?

Have you ever had the feeling that your brand isn't quite hitting the mark? 🎯

It's as if you're shouting into the vacuum and no one is paying attention. It's possible you've fallen victim to one of the most prevalent branding blunders. But don't worry, we're here to shine a light on these brand gaffes. 💡🌟

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The Power of Storytelling in Branding: Building Connections That Last 📖🔥
Vishaal S Shah Vishaal S Shah

The Power of Storytelling in Branding: Building Connections That Last 📖🔥

Stories have captivated us since the dawn of time. They engage our emotions, inspire our imaginations, and leave a lasting impression. 🌌✨ As brands, we have the incredible opportunity to harness the power of storytelling to create a deep bond with our customers.

💡 Every brand has a unique story to tell. Share the journey of your brand, its purpose, and the values that drive it. 🌟✨ Let your audience glimpse the heart and soul behind your brand, fostering authenticity and building trust.

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5 Tips for Brand Packaging: Unleashing the Power of Visual Delight!
Vishaal S Shah Vishaal S Shah

5 Tips for Brand Packaging: Unleashing the Power of Visual Delight!

In this article, we will unveil 5 essential tips to harness the power of visual delight in your packaging designs. Whether you're a seasoned brand or a budding entrepreneur, these expert insights will help you create packaging that captivates, communicates, and leaves a lasting impression on your customers. Get ready to unleash the true potential of your brand packaging with these invaluable tips!

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Great Packaging Can Do Amazing Things for Your Brand
Vishaal S Shah Vishaal S Shah

Great Packaging Can Do Amazing Things for Your Brand

Should I redesign my packaging or not? If this is the question that is bothering you well my friends I have got an answer for you.

Instead of asking whether you should redesign your packaging the correct question you should be asking is that “Hey..Is my current packaging stopping the growth of my brand? Are the right kind of c onsumers picking up my brand or the product?Are the wrong kind of customers picking up my product or most importantly is the audience for whom the product that is this intended, Are they really consuming it? If the answer to the any of the question above is NO then you have to go for redesigning your packaging.

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It’s sweet when it’s Success. By design.
Vishaal S Shah Vishaal S Shah

It’s sweet when it’s Success. By design.

SME Branding & Brand Designing is a crucial component of the success. If so, then…

– Why is there no planned focus on branding at the start of the business?

– Why is entrepreneurship a journey of ups and downs?

– Why don’t entrepreneurs design their success at the very start?

In the video, Vishaal S Shah, Founder & CEO at Phi; attempts to answer the above mentioned questions, from the perspective of branding, based on his journey of 20 years and his experience of working on branding projects with 100’s of SME Entrepreneurs.

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Why SMEs Need Branding
Vishaal S Shah Vishaal S Shah

Why SMEs Need Branding

Often clients who approach us for the first time ask us, “Is there a secret behind successful brands?!” and we say yes! And the secret lies not just in how they brand themselves but also in “when” they started working on their branding. Because successful brands do not happen by chance. They are carefully developed over a period of time.

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Why your Logo is not your Brand
Vishaal S Shah Vishaal S Shah

Why your Logo is not your Brand

When most people think of branding, the first thing that comes to mind is logo designing. However, a common mistake people make, especially when starting a new business, is confusing logo designing with branding. Both are different and are not interchangeable.

It is widely misunderstood that logo is the single entity needed for branding. How can you differentiate between Logo and Branding? Well, here’s the hitchhiker’s guide to the branding galaxy!

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Why do Companies Redesign Logos?
Vishaal S Shah Vishaal S Shah

Why do Companies Redesign Logos?

Your logo is probably the first important element of your brand identity and visual story that communicates with customers. But why change something that has worked for a long while? Why shake up something that has already built a perception and been accepted? Why risk moving away from something conventional and explore something new?

Here are 5 reasons why a logo redesign might just be needed for your brand.

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What is Phi?
Vishaal S Shah Vishaal S Shah

What is Phi?

It’s a question that is going to arise in everyone’s mind. Instead of researching through books, wading through loads of websites and Wikipedia and compiling into an interesting article, I think, this excerpt from “The Da Vinci Code‘ by Dan Brown encapsulates my thoughts in a much better way.

After all, Robert Langdon is a much better professor than I am.

Excerpt from Chapter 20, Page 77

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