It’s sweet when it’s Success. By design.

SME Branding & Brand Designing is a crucial component of the success. If so, then…

– Why is there no planned focus on branding at the start of the business?

– Why is entrepreneurship a journey of ups and downs?

– Why don’t entrepreneurs design their success at the very start?

In the video, Vishaal S Shah, Founder & CEO at Phi; attempts to answer the above mentioned questions, from the perspective of branding, based on his journey of 20 years and his experience of working on branding projects with 100’s of SME Entrepreneurs.

Transcript: The journey of an entrepreneur is filled with great excitement, from giddying highs to giddying lows so much so it should be termed as an adventure sport. Hold on just adventure. Because the term “sport” would require a competitor; and if you look at it the entrepreneur has got no competition except his or her own self.

So let’s understand this journey from the perspective of branding. When the business is set up, majority of the resources, be it in terms of time, energy, money, focus all go into setting up the business. Be in terms of setting up of infrastructure plant, the offices, the processes, the systems, regulatory compliances and such. Ah! very little bandwidth, very little or absolutely no bandwidth is left for branding. At worst the entrepreneur might get a name designed done by the printer or at best he might hire a freelancer who will do a logo design. In either of the case, his selection of the design is based on an individual choice be it designers or the entrepreneur. And it does the job barely though, but it does the job.

As the business grows, challenges come and they are handled. Opportunities come and they are grabbed. People are hired and fired. And in the process, you create marketing collaterals which are based on the situation at hand, demand of the situation at hand.

It’s with sheer tenacity and passion, that you grow this business. However, this growth is largely based on the reaction to what’s happening around you. And nothing’s wrong about it – as long as you taste success.

You have finally reached a stage where there are people, processes, and systems in place. You already have or are in the process of setting-up a second line of leadership.

But at the same time, a realization is dawned upon you the brand that you have is not doing justice to what you have become and definitely it won’t do justice to the future plans that you have for your business.

At this stage, you need a brand that is positioned correctly. A design that captures the essence of your brand. A communication that is structured and focussed. And a bouquet of well-thought-over marketing collaterals which could possibly handle all communication scenarios.

Which means the planning that you have done for your business, now needs to be done for your brand and its communication. Now is a time to get a SME focused branding agency which understands this need of yours. A partner who has a context of the challenges that you and your business have faced.

We at Phi have partnered with SME businesses across different verticals and have created 100’s of brands in the B2B and the B2C space. This gives us the experience to assist a SME entrepreneur on the next level of growth.

Being a SME Focussed branding agency we totally understand you. We believe in you and your potential and are here to partner with you for your “Success. By Design”

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Branding – the smart way to be heard in a congested marketplace!