We are looking for dreamers

The ones who want to work in their bed or from the mountains and deliver magic for brands. Those who want to balance their life with their work. The new economy zen workers who know that perfection, ideas and commitment are a must but don’t get stressed up while delivering magic !!!

If you are the one, then let’s get in a touch. Fill the form below. We know it’s lengthy. But we need this to ensure we connect with the right passion-driven-growth-focussed dreamers. Also, since we are a cloud agency, and everything that we do is in the cloud, this is a test to know how comfortable you are with technology.

Phi Brands

Office: Does it even really matter any more? But if you happen to be in Mumbai, give us a call and we will catch up for a coffee / beer and understand your vision.

Call: +91-8080-054-786

Want to email us

For the business of branding:: success@phibrands.com
For self-employment opportunities: partner@phibrands.com