Rebranding Education

How rebranding assisted a learning solutions company to not only changes its brand architecture but also the entire business model and giving better clarity to its internal as well as external target audience

Brand Strategy

Brand Designing 


The brand

The Company in the arena of providing knowledge and education to people from different walks of life. They offer unique and innovative programs that have an everlasting impact on quality of life, education, career, business and professions which in-turn improves the quality of their life in that specific area

The Challenge

The simplest way to explain their previous scenario would be the story of four blind men and the exploration of the elephant. Same was the case with all their stakeholders on account of very complex branding. The stakeholders only remembered the company as the program they were leading or participating in. And since this was going on for years it was tough breaking the shackles of management towards going for a brand strategy 

Creating the structure, one brick at a time

We started the work on the revised brand structure by focussing on one business unit at a time. We started about by creating an umbrella body – “Victor Manickam Knowledge Group”. The Group is an embodiment of the spirit of one individual ie Mr Victor Manickam – someone who has invested 40 years of his life into understanding how humans think, work, interact and live their lives. With knowledge at its roots, the brand to emerge has to be  Victor Manickam Knowledge Group. 

When this light of knowledge reflects on someone – that human being shines. And when someone shines, they give out a bright light changing the environment around them for the better. Thus  “SHINE” as a sub-brand for the various businesses of the Group emerged as a unanimous choice. Each sub-brand was arrived at after immense thought and deliberation. The sub-brands had to look like it was a part of the whole and at the same time was complete on its own.

The New Beginning:

Launched with much fanfare in front of a huge audience and presence of well-known dignitaries, the new brand identity infused total clarity and new energy not only within the group but also with all the external members too. This has paved the ways for them to conquer new frontiers. They did share their token of appreciation for us which has been shared below. (Testimonials) 

